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Thomas Friedman‧雅言文化

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安妮‧普露 Annie Proulx

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Douglas Adams / 丁世佳 譯

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Ernesto Che Guevara


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  • Sep 14 Wed 2005 15:26
  • 影片


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不負如來不負卿 (周夢蝶之石頭記)

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"But gossip appears to be a very sophisticated, multifunctional interaction which is important in policing behaviors in a group and defining group membership."
When two or more people share inside information about another person who is absent , they are often spreading important news and enacting a mutually protective ritual, that may have evolved from early grooming behaviour, some biologists argue.

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Chinese restaurateurs turn up in the unlikeliest places, but Mr. Chen, 53, is a remarkable study in the tenacity that plants Golden Palaces and Hunan Gardens in cities and towns around the globe.

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  • Aug 19 Fri 2005 10:23
  • 兇殺

攸叵‧聯合副刊 [最短篇]

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Ahead of Israel's planned mid-month withdrawal of the nearly 9,000 settlers in Gaza, children caught in the cross-fire of warring adults are trying to make sense of the confusion and trauma with games.


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